
二、SEO对于垂直电子商务类网站的意义1. SEO能够帮助企业找到适当的客户通过对不同关键字的分析(如核心词、周边词、LBS位置信息、人工情感判断及数字/图片/声音/视频内容理解),一、引言



1. SEO能够帮助企业找到适当的客户

通过对不同关键字的分析(如核心词、周边词、LBS位置信息、人工情感判断及数字/图片/声音/视频内容理解), 帮助企业针对性地找出看中客户, 根据不同人士(如性别、年龄) 等特征来明显区别出不同人士之间的差异, 进考寻出看中客户; 针对性地将促销信息及广告内容发送出去, 吸引看中客户前来光临; 未来也能够根据AI (Artificial Intelligence) 技术来带动效能, 进考升华效能水平。

2. SEO能够使得企业高度集中注意力

SEO能够使得企业高度集中注意力, 在此之上便是要遵从Google 等大厂之Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 搜尋引擎最佳化方針: 针对性地将内部Link Building (LB), 外部Link Building (OB), Content Marketing (CM), Social Media Marketing (SMM) 等方法作套装般应用; 各大厂皆未断勤務於調整Algorithm , 追随者便能夠達至「天上人間」般狀況!


1. 针对性Keyword Research & Analysis

a. Keyword Research: 核心词 + 周边词 + LBS Location Information + AI Emotion Judgment + Digital / Picture / Voice / Video Content Understanding b. Keyword Analysis: Search Volume & Trending Rate of the Targeted Keywords in Different Regions and Countries c. Competitor Analysis: Analyze the Ranking Position of Your Competitors on the Same Targeted Keywords d. On-Page Optimization : Title Tag & Meta Description & Heading Tags & Image Alt Texts & Internal Link Structures e. Off-Page Optimization : External Links from High Quality Websites with Relevant Contents f .Content Strategy : Create Unique and Valuable Contents to Attract More Visitors g .Social Media Promotion : Promote Your Website or Products through Social Network Platforms Such as Facebook , Twitter , Instagram etc.. h .Analytics Report : Monitor and Track Your Website Performance by Using Google Analytics Tool 2 .Website Structure Design a .Responsive Web Design for Mobile Devices Compatibility b .User Friendly Navigation System c .Fast Loading Speed d .Secure Payment Gateway Integration 3 .Marketing Strategies a .Email Campaigns b .Pay Per Click Advertising c .Affiliate Programs d .Online Contests e .Viral Videos f .Blog Writing g .Press Releases h i Online Forums Participation 4 Conclusion SEO optimization is essential for vertical ecommerce websites in order to gain more traffic and visibility in search engine results pages which will eventually lead to higher sales conversion rate




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