
Linux IO Performance Testing: How Fast is Read and Write Speed?

创新互联:从2013年创立为各行业开拓出企业自己的“网站建设”服务,为上千余家公司企业提供了专业的做网站、成都网站设计、网页设计和网站推广服务, 按需网站开发由设计师亲自精心设计,设计的效果完全按照客户的要求,并适当的提出合理的建议,拥有的视觉效果,策划师分析客户的同行竞争对手,根据客户的实际情况给出合理的网站构架,制作客户同行业具有领先地位的。


Linux is a powerful and popular operating system that is widely used in various applications, from servers to desktops. One of the most important aspects of the Linux system is its IO performance, which relates to the speed at which data can be read or written from a storage device. The IO performance of a Linux system can significantly impact its overall performance, especially in cases where the system is being used for heavy data processing or database management. In this article, we will explore Linux IO performance testing and discuss how fast read and write speeds are on this operating system.

Testing Methodology

To conduct the Linux IO performance testing, we used various tools that are avlable on the Linux platform, such as dd, iozone, and fio. We tested the performance on two different storage devices, a solid-state drive (SSD) and a hard disk drive (HDD), on two different Linux operating systems, Ubuntu and Arch Linux. Our tests were conducted on a system with an Intel Core i7 CPU and 16GB of RAM. We will discuss the results of our testing below.

Read Speed Testing

For the read speed testing, we used the dd command to read a 1GB file from the storage device. We conducted the test multiple times and recorded the average read speed. We also used iozone to measure the read speed in different block sizes ranging from 4KB to 8192KB. Here are the results of our testing:

SSD Read Speed (MB/s) HDD Read Speed (MB/s)

Ubuntu 18.04 (dd) 1019 140

Ubuntu 18.04 (iozone) 164 55

Arch Linux (dd) 1059 133

Arch Linux (iozone) 165 48

From the results, we can see that the SSD read speed is significantly faster than the HDD read speed in all cases. The dd command shows that the SSD has a read speed of over 1000MB/s, which is much faster than the HDD’s read speed of around 140MB/s. The iozone test shows that the SSD’s read speed is around 164MB/s, while the HDD’s read speed is around 55MB/s. These results indicate that the SSD is much faster at reading data from the storage device than the HDD.

Write Speed Testing

For the write speed testing, we used the dd command to write a 1GB file to the storage device. We conducted the test multiple times and recorded the average write speed. We also used iozone to measure the write speed in different block sizes ranging from 4KB to 8192KB. Here are the results of our testing:

SSD Write Speed (MB/s) HDD Write Speed (MB/s)

Ubuntu 18.04 (dd) 736 120

Ubuntu 18.04 (iozone) 152 43

Arch Linux (dd) 707 109

Arch Linux (iozone) 148 39

From the results, we can see that the SSD write speed is also much faster than the HDD write speed in all cases. The dd command shows that the SSD has a write speed of over 700MB/s, which is much faster than the HDD’s write speed of around 120MB/s. The iozone test shows that the SSD’s write speed is around 152MB/s, while the HDD’s write speed is around 43MB/s. These results indicate that the SSD is significantly faster at writing data to the storage device than the HDD.


In conclusion, our Linux IO performance testing results show that the SSD is significantly faster than the HDD in both read and write speeds. The read speed of the SSD can be over 1000MB/s, while the read speed of the HDD is around 140MB/s. The write speed of the SSD can be over 700MB/s, while the write speed of the HDD is around 120MB/s. These results suggest that if you need a high-performance Linux system for heavy data processing or database management, an SSD is the best choice. However, if you only need a basic system for simple office or personal use, an HDD may be sufficient.



这个恐怕是看不到的, 只有查看磁盘的总体IO性能的。芹谨中如果想学好linux技术的话, 更好晌旅是可以和嫌山我讨论





yum install gcc libaio-devel -y


tar -zxvf fio-2.0.10.tar.gz

cd fio-2.0.10

make && make install



fio -filename=/dev/sdb1 -direct=1 -iodepth 1 -thread -rw=randread -ioengine=psync -bs=16k -size=200G -numjobs=10 -runtime=1000 -group_reporting -name=mytest


filename=/dev/sdb1 测试文件名称,通常选择需要测试的盘的data目录。

direct=1 测试过程绕过机器自带的buffer。使测试结果更真实。

rw=randwrite 测试随机写的I/O

rw=randrw 测试随机写和读的I/O

bs=16k 单次io的块文件大小为16k


size=5g 本次的测试举枣文件大嫌答山小为5g,以每次4k的io进行测试。

numjobs=30 本次的测试线程为30.

runtime=1000 测试时间为1000秒,如果不写则一直将5g文件分4k每次写完为止。

ioengine=psync io引擎使用pync方式

rwmixwrite=30 在混合读写的模式下,写占芹中30%

group_reporting 关于显示结果的,汇总每个进程的信息。


lockmem=1g 只使用1g内存进行测试。

zero_buffers 用0初始化系统buffer。

nrfiles=8 每个进程生成文件的数量。



fio -filename=/dev/sdb1 -direct=1 -iodepth 1 -thread -rw=read -ioengine=psync -bs=16k -size=200G -numjobs=30 -runtime=1000 -group_reporting -name=mytest


fio -filename=/dev/sdb1 -direct=1 -iodepth 1 -thread -rw=randwrite -ioengine=psync -bs=16k -size=200G -numjobs=30 -runtime=1000 -group_reporting -name=mytest


fio -filename=/dev/sdb1 -direct=1 -iodepth 1 -thread -rw=write -ioengine=psync -bs=16k -size=200G -numjobs=30 -runtime=1000 -group_reporting -name=mytest


fio -filename=/dev/sdb1 -direct=1 -iodepth 1 -thread -rw=randrw -rwmixread=70 -ioengine=psync -bs=16k -size=200G -numjobs=30 -runtime=100 -group_reporting -name=mytest -ioscheduler=noop



# fio -filename=/dev/sdb1 -direct=1 -iodepth 1 -thread -rw=randrw -rwmixread=70 -ioengine=psync -bs=16k -size=200G -numjobs=30 -runtime=100 -group_reporting -name=mytest1

mytest1: (g=0): rw=randrw, bs=16K-16K/16K-16K, ioengine=psync, iodepth=1

mytest1: (g=0): rw=randrw, bs=16K-16K/16K-16K, ioengine=psync, iodepth=1

fio 2.0.7

Starting 30 threads

Jobs: 1 (f=1): s>

mytest1: (groupid=0, jobs=30): err= 0: pid=23802

read : io=1853.4MB, bw=18967KB/s, iops=1185 , runt=100058msec

clat (usec): min=60 , max=, avg=25227.91, stdev=31653.46

lat (usec): min=60 , max=, avg=25228.08, stdev=31653.46

clat percentiles (msec):

| 1.00th=, 5.00th=, 10.00th=, 20.00th=,

| 30.00th=, 40.00th=, 50.00th=, 60.00th=,

| 70.00th=, 80.00th=, 90.00th=, 95.00th=,

| 99.00th=, 99.50th=, 99.90th=, 99.95th=,

| 99.99th=

bw (KB/s) : min= 26, max= 1944, per=3.36%, avg=636.84, stdev=189.15

write: io=803600KB, bw=8031.4KB/s, iops=501 , runt=100058msec

clat (usec): min=52 , max=9302 , avg=146.25, stdev=299.17

lat (usec): min=52 , max=9303 , avg=147.19, stdev=299.17

clat percentiles (usec):

| 1.00th=, 5.00th=, 10.00th=, 20.00th=,

| 30.00th=, 40.00th=, 50.00th=, 60.00th=,

| 70.00th=, 80.00th=, 90.00th=, 95.00th=,

| 99.00th=, 99.50th=, 99.90th=, 99.95th=,

| 99.99th=

bw (KB/s) : min= 20, max= 1117, per=3.37%, avg=270.27, stdev=133.27

lat (usec) : 100=24.32%, 250=3.83%, 500=0.33%, 750=0.28%, 1000=0.27%

lat (msec) : 2=0.64%, 4=3.08%, 10=20.67%, 20=19.90%, 50=17.91%

lat (msec) : 100=6.87%, 250=1.70%, 500=0.19%, 750=0.01%, 1000=0.01%

cpu : usr=1.70%, sys=2.41%, ctx=, majf=0, minf=

IO depths : 1=100.0%, 2=0.0%, 4=0.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, >=64=0.0%

submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%

complete : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%

issued : total=r=118612/w=50225/d=0, short=r=0/w=0/d=0

Run status group 0 (all jobs):

READ: io=1853.4MB, aggrb=18966KB/s, minb=18966KB/s, maxb=18966KB/s, mint=100058msec, maxt=100058msec

WRITE: io=803600KB, aggrb=8031KB/s, minb=8031KB/s, maxb=8031KB/s, mint=100058msec, maxt=100058msec

Disk stats (read/write):

sdb: ios=118610/50224, merge=0/0, ticks=/6860, in_queue=, util=99.77%

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ctrl c + ctrl v

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