
HTML之间不合理布局而影响加载速度;使用robots.txt 来告诉搜索引擎如何扫描本站;


1. 内容优化:首先要建立良好的内容体系,以及有效的文字表达。在进行内容优化时,应该注意核心关键词的使用,并将其植入到文章中去。此外,还要注意图片、视频等多媒体形式的内容也是重要的部分。


2. 网站代码优化:对于SEO来说,代码是很重要的一部分。应尽可能减少不必要的代码或者JavaScript,CSS,HTML之间不合理布局而影响加载速度;各个页面之间保持相对独立性;避免出现404 Not Found 页面;使用robots.txt 来告诉搜索引擎如何扫描本站;使用sitemap.xml 来显式地告诉Googlebot 本站上所有可供浏览/indexing 的URL 以及相应URL 之间的相互关联情况。

3. 外部回链: 在处理外部回链时, 要注意不能大量买单方回链, 这样往往会适得其反, 容易引来 Google 等大厂对此作出惩处(Panda Update). 正常情况下, 大量买单方回链是不能促进 SEO 的效果 , 这样子 Google 也看不上眼 . 因此 , 在 SEO 处理中 , 需要注意 : 1) 高 PR (Page Rank) ; 2) 高 TR (Trust Rank); 3) High Quality Links ; 4 ) Relevant Links . 从而促进 SEO 效能 .

4. SNS Marketing: SNS marketing 是一个新生事物 , 但已然成为 SEO 的一大助力 . Facebook、Twitter、Linkedin、Youtube…etc., 这些 Social Network Sites (SNS), 本身就是一个已然拥有海量人气 / traffic / link juice / trust rank …etc., 等物件 , 如何将 SNS marketing 最大化 ? 1 ) Content Optimization & Sharing ; 2 ) Link Building & Promotion ; 3 ) Brand Awareness & Reputation Management … etc.. All these will help to boost the website ranking in SERPs and increase the visibility of your brand online!

5. Mobile Friendly Website: With more and more people using mobile devices to access websites nowadays, it is important for businesses to have a mobile friendly website that can be easily accessed by users on their phones or tablets without any difficulty or inconvenience caused due to incompatibility issues between different platforms or browsers used by different users on their devices! This will not only improve user experience but also help with better rankings in search engine results pages as well as increased visibility of your brand online!

6. Local Search Engine Optimization: For local businesses who are targeting customers within a certain geographical area such as city or state level searches should focus on optimizing their websites for local search engine optimization which involves creating content related to specific locations and keywords associated with them so that they can appear higher up in the search engine results pages when someone searches for something related to those particular areas! This will ensure that you get maximum exposure from potential customers who are looking for services within your vicinity thus helping you gain more business opportunities over time!





声明:本网站发布的内容(图片、视频和文字)以用户投稿、用户转载内容为主,如果涉及侵权请尽快告知,我们将会在第一时间删除。文章观点不代表本网站立场,如需处理请联系客服。电话:028-86922220;邮箱。内容未经允许不得转载,或转载时需注明来源: 创新互联