




1、系统环境:CentOS 7 64位


3、软件要求:PHP 5.4及以上版本,MySQL 5.0及以上版本,Composer



sudo yum update y


sudo yum install y curl policycoreutilspython opensshserver zip unzip


sudo curl https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epelreleaselatest7.noarch.rpm output epelreleaselatest7.noarch.rpm
sudo rpm ivh epelreleaselatest7.noarch.rpm


sudo systemctl start sshd
sudo systemctl enable sshd


sudo yum install y mariadbserver mariadb
sudo systemctl start mariadb
sudo systemctl enable mariadb




curl sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php installdir=/usr/local/bin filename=composer


cd /opt && git clone https://github.com/gogs/gogs.git && cd gogs && chmod R 777 storage && chown R www:www storage data public/uploads log tmp files conf vendor/composer/installed.json composer.json composer.lock bin/linux_amd64 tools conf/app.ini conf/custom.ini conf/database.ini conf/deploy.ini conf/session.ini conf/smtp.ini conf/uwsgi.ini conf/webhooks.json views/errors/* views/layouts/* views/public/* views/src/* themes/* languages/* scripts/* tests/* tools/* migrations/* api/* internal/* modules/* releases/* app.js app.conf package* *.md LICENSE* COPYING* CHANGELOG* Rakefile Makefile assets/js assets/css assets/images assets/fonts public/assets public/static public/uploads public/avatars public/editor uploads logs backups datamigrations db_structure.sql db_data/* db_data_backup/* vendor/* node_modules/* packagelock.json package.json composer.json composer.lock gogs.sql upgrade/* version files/* Rfh && chown R www:www storage data public/uploads log tmp files conf vendor composer.json composer.lock bin/linux_amd64 tools conf/app.ini conf/custom.ini conf/database.ini conf/deploy.ini conf/session.ini conf/smtp.ini conf/uwsgi.ini conf/webhooks.json views/errors/* views/layouts/* views/public/* views/src/* themes/* languages/* scripts/* tests/* tools/* migrations/* api/* internal/* modules/* releases/* app.js app.conf package* *.md LICENSE* COPYING* CHANGELOG* Rakefile Makefile assets/js assets/css assets/images assets/fonts public/assets public/static public/uploads public/avatars public/editor uploads logs backups datamigrations db_structure.sql db_data/* db_data_backup/* vendor/* node_modules/* packagelock.json package.json composer.json composer.lock gogs.sql upgrade/* version files/* Rfh && chown R www:www storage data public/uploads log tmp files conf vendor composer.json composer.lock bin/linux_amd64 tools conf/app.ini conf/custom.ini conf/database.ini conf/deploy.ini conf/session.ini conf/smtp.ini conf/uwsgi.ini conf/webhooks.json views/errors/* views/layouts/* views/public/* views/src/* themes/* languages/* scripts/* tests/* tools/* migrations/* api/* internal/* modules/* releases/* app.js app.conf package* *.md LICENSE* COPYING* CHANGELOG* Rakefile Makefile assets/js assets/css assets/images assets\g asets fonts public\assets public\static public\uploads public\avatars public\editor uploads logs backups datamigrations db\_structure\.sql db\_data/\* db\_data\_backup\/\* vendor/\* node\_modules\/* packagelock\.json package\.json composer\.json composer\.lock gogs\.sql upgrade\/\* version files\/* Rfh && chown R www:www storage data public/uploads log tmp files conf vendor composer\index\* config\private\config\prod\config\test\config\uatconfig\devel\storage database \user=root \\password='' \\host=localhost \\port=3306 \\socket= /var/lib/mysql /var/run/mysqld /var/log/\* \\skipexternallocking && echo "[OK] All done!" && exit || echo "[FAIL] Something went wrong." && exit 1; exit 1; exit 1; exit 1; exit 1; exit 1; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit; exit;exit" | tee /home/\_\_output\_\_ | grep v 'Retrying' > /dev/null && echo "[OK] Gogs installed successfully!" || echo "[FAIL] Gogs installation failed, please check the error log and try again." && cat /home/\__output\_\_ && mv /home/\_\_output\__ /tmp && echo "Installation completed, you can access Gogs by visiting http://yourdomainorIP:3000 in your browser." && echo "To access the Gogs administration area, login with the default account user and password." && echo "user: admin" && echo "password: '$5$abcdefghijklmnop$OUZIQDYVJNTXKLKBGZFVTIWBZOJPOMNHYCEWHQRIXZA'" && echo "Please remember to change the above default password after your first login." && echo "For more information about Gogs, visit https://gogscn." && sleep infinity && while true; do sleep 86400 & wait $(jobs p); done &> /dev/null & disown`
9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999910&1| tee /home/\_\_output\_\_ | grep v 'Retrying' > /dev/null && echo "[OK] Gogs installed successfully!" || echo "[FAIL] Gogs installation failed, please check the error log and try again." && cat /home/\_\_output\__ && mv /home/\__output\_\_ /tmp && echo "Installation completed, you can access Gogs by visiting http://yourdomainorIP:3000 in your browser." && echo "To access the Gogs administration area, login with the default account user andpassword." && echo "user: admin" && echo "password: '$5$abcdefghijklmnop$OUZIQDYVJNTXKLKBGZFVTIWBZOJPOMNHYCEWHQRIXZA'" && echo "Please remember to change the above default password after yourfirst login."




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