Ruby语言的出现,为编程人员提供了一个愉悦的编程环境。在这里我们就通过一段简单的Ruby source,来看看Ruby语言的基本概念。#t#

1 从rubyforge下载1.85版的src,解压缩文件到指定目录下。
2 环境准备:我是WindowXp(sp2 jp)+ Cygwin
3 然后打开指定目录下解压缩的readme文件,按照步骤运行命令。
- * How to compile and install
- This is what you need to do to compile
and install Ruby: -
- 1. If ./configure does not exist or is older
than, - run autoconf to (re)generate configure.
- 2. Run ./configure, which will generate
config.h and Makefile. -
- 3. Edit defines.h if you need. Usually
this step will not be needed. -
- 4. Remove comment mark(#) before the
module names from ext/Setup (or - add module names if not present),
if you want to link modules - statically.
- If you don't want to compile non
static extension modules - (probably on architectures which does
not allow dynamic loading), - remove comment mark from the
line "#option nodynamic" in - ext/Setup.
- 5. Run make.
- 6. Optionally, run 'make test' to check
whether the compiled Ruby - interpreter works well. If you see
the message "test succeeded", - your ruby works as it should (hopefully).
- 7. Run 'make install'
- You may have to be a super user to install ruby.