


SEO是搜索引擎优化的英文缩写,即Search Engine Optimization。它主要用于帮助站长在各大搜索引擎中有效地展示其站内信息,使之能够达到最佳的发布效益。通过对不同的关键词进行优化来实现此目标。

二、建站必备 SEO 知识

1. 如何才能将我们的新闻/博客/图片/影片准备好上 Google 搜尋?

首先请注意Google已释出”Googlebot”, 这是一个无人机般存在, 常去浏览并检测Web上所发生之情形. 所以如要将我方新闻 / 博客 / 图片 / 等都映射列表 Google Search , 有三大重要步骤:

(1) 针对 Web Page Content : 请勿使用 Flash or Java Scripts;

(2) 针对 Meta Tags : 请务必遵循 HTML5 Standard ;

(3) 针视 Robots File : 請勿隔難Robots file .txt , robots meta tag & X-robots-tag HTTP header . 2. SEO Keywords Research & Analysis ?

  Keyword research and analysis is the process of researching and analyzing keywords that are relevant to your website in order to optimize it for search engine rankings. It involves finding out what people are searching for on the internet so you can create content that meets their needs and interests them enough to click through from a search engine result page(SERP). This includes looking at keyword trends over time as well as understanding how different types of searches work together with each other in order to get an overall picture of what users want when they type certain words into a search box





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